Shuffle & Cut Games is about more than 2D Card Games. Here's your chance to check out WizKid's HeroClix - the 3D figure game where you get to fight battles with the likes of Spider-Man, Batman, The Joker, Thor, and many many more. We have an extensive selection of singles that is growing daily. Additionally, we have a multitude of booster packs for every player.
Shuffle & Cut
is your #1 source for everything HeroClix!!!
At Shuffle & Cut, you don't just get what you pay for - you get MORE than you pay for. With every singles order, you get free stuff. What? Well, look below!
Booster Packs!
You spend $200 in singles, you get a free booster. What's better than a free booster? -
At random, our staff may (or may not) insert other cool things randomly into orders. It will be a surprise when you get one!